Volume 2, Issue 2

December 2011

Youth Participation in the Arts

ISSN 1835 – 2776


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    Volume 2, Issue 2.1

    Editorial – youth participation in the arts
    by Rosalyn Black and Dr. Lucus Walsh
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    Volume 2, Issue 2.2

    Tradition, innovation and fusion: local articulations of global scapes of girl dance
    Dr. Anna Hickey-Moody
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    Volume 2, Issue 2.3

    Situating art history for meaningful learning
    Dr. Eliza Pitri
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    Volume 2, Issue 2.4

    Doing it differently: youth leadership and the arts in a creative learning programme
    Sara Bragg and Helen Manchester
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    Volume 2, Issue 2.5

    Culture shack and the art of intercultural learning
    Anne Harris
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    Volume 2, Issue 2.6

    Evaluating the scared cool project: understanding peacemaking through creativity and personal development in Timor-Leste
    Kim Dunphy
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    Volume 2, Issue 2.7

    The effectiveness of youth audience participation at dance performances to promote the “Be Active” physical activity message
    Christina Mills and Michael Rosenberg
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    Volume 2, Issue 2.8

    A study of learning activities of community arts education through children’s art festival
    Koichi Kasahara
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    Volume 2, Issue 2.9

    Thinking, feeling and relating: young children learning through dance
    Jan Deans
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    Volume 2, Issue 2.10

    The creative citizen: citizenship building in urban areas
    Claudia Pato Carvalho
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    Volume 2, Issue 2.11

    Silent and strangled no more — dramaturgy as pedagogy: an application of John Dewey’s how we think to student playwrights
    Crystal Dumitru
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    Volume 2, Issue 2.12

    The future of music making and music education in a transformative digital world
    Peter Gouzouasis and Danny Bakan
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    Volume 2, Issue 2.13

    Cystic fibrosis transitions art project
    Kim Wiltshire and Helen Kitchen

Guest Editors

Rosalyn Black and Dr. Lucas Walsh

The Guest Editors, Rosalyn Black and Dr. Lucas Walsh from the Foundation for Young Australians invited papers that challenge or shed light on the participation of young people in the arts. The peer-reviewed papers selected for publication represent a wide range of disciplines, topics, research approaches, and countries of origin of authors. There is a particular focus on young people who position themselves not only as the target audience but as leaders and initiators of arts programs and initiatives. Important issues such as wellbeing, participation, education, identity and connectedness are brought together in this special issue.

The themes chosen were:

  • The use of the arts to engage young people, including innovative and culturally inclusive models of engagement
  • Patterns of youth participation in the arts
  • The experience of young people as leaders and initiators in the arts including arts organisation and management
  • Barriers to youth participation in the arts and strategies to overcome these
  • The perceptions of young people of the role of the arts in their lives.

FYA is an independent, non-profit organisation dedicated solely to young people. Their mission is for all young people to have the courage, imagination and will to shape their education and create social change. Their research program documents and promotes young people’s capacity for active participation across all aspects of public life. It also provides a critical analysis of the ways in which young people and their participation are understood and approached.